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Enjoy the Sierra in winter as well as in summer

Only 27km from the campsite, Sierra Nevada offers you the opportunity to ski in winter and in summer you can enjoy a multitude of outdoor activities to discover all the richness and biodiversity of the mountain.


It was declared a Natural and National Park in 1989 due to the singularities of its flora, fauna, geomorphology and landscape


  • Mountain Bike
  • Rutas
  • Esquí
  • Avistamiento de aves

Programación 25 aniversario Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada.

Con motivo del 25 aniversario del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada se elaborada un programa especial de actividades que podéis consultar aquí. 

Where the SOUTH wears WHITE

Take to the skies and live unforgettable experiences:





Carretera de Güejar Sierra , Km. 6,5

18160 Güejar Sierra (GRANADA) EspañaTeléfono. +34 958 484 742



Nº Registro. CM/GR/0018

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